Please consider adopting a dog from a shelter instead of purchasing a puppy mill puppy from a pet store. The puppy mill industry is a cruel industry. The mother dogs are kept in tiny cages and have no human contact. They are dirty, matted, and have no medical care. The owners of puppy mills are dog abusers.
Please do not buy puppy mill puppies from pet stores. They are poorly bred, sickly, and not good family dogs. If you want a puppy and can not find one at a shelter, find a responsible breeder. A responsible breeder will ask you lots of questions. Responsible breeders will not sell their puppies to just anyone and will never sell their dogs to a pet store.
For a list of responsible breeders you can contact the breed club for the breed of dog you are interested in. Breed clubs will educate you about their breed, so that you can make sure this breed is right for your family. Responsible breeders will guarantee that the dog you purchase is healthy. Pet stores and puppy mills are only interested in making money. Responsible breeders love their dogs and breed to improve the breed.
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