Monday, June 9, 2008

Sadie is a Lucky Little Dog

Sadie is a lucky little dog. She survived getting run over by two cars on the freeway on ramp. She ended up pinned under the right front tire of the third car. She was saved by a dog lover who made cars back up in order to free her.

Her collar was off, because she was bathed. The pool man left the gate open. She was in heat. The family inherited the dog from their grandmother who never registered the microchip. This is a recipe for disaster.

The family posted signs and prayed to find their dog. The dog lover who found Sadie was praying for Saint Anthony, the patron Saint of lost articles, to find the lost owners. The dog lover drove around for a few days looking for lost dog signs. Today, Sadie was reunited with her family after the dog lover saw a lost dog sign.

This time, the story has a happy ending.

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