Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dog Park Etiquette

The purpose of the dog park is for dogs to exercise and socialize in a safe place. Dogs do not wear leashes at the dog park. Here are some dog park etiquette tips that will help you and your dogs make friends at the dog park.

1. Entering the dog park - Most dog parks are double gated, so the dogs do not get out. Open the first gate and close it behind you. Remove the leash. Open the second gate and enter the park. Remember to close the gate behind you.

2. Avoid fights - Do not bring food. If the dogs start to fight, distract them with a ball or a toy. Remove aggressive dogs from the dog park.

3. Do not bring a bitch in heat to the dog park.

4. Watch your dog at all times.

5. Do not bring more dogs than you can handle.

6. Clean up after your dog everywhere. Dogs are banned from beaches and parks when owners do not pick up the poop. Be a responsible dog owner. No one likes flies or stepping in poop.

Dog parks are a great place to meet people and get exercise. Dogs run and play until they are exhausted.

The most important thing to remember when you are at the dog park is to treat the other park users the way you would like to be treated.

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