Saturday, April 5, 2008

Don't Support Puppy Mills

Puppy mills produce large amounts of puppies.The breeding animals are horribly abused. They are kept in small, filthy cages. They have no human contact or medical care. Puppy Mills produce inbred puppies that are sickly. Puppy mills supply pet stores and internet distributors.

Good breeders would not sell their dogs to a pet store. They are proud of the dogs they breed and want to know the families who are adopting their dogs.

We can shut down puppy mills by boycotting pet stores that buy puppy mill puppies. Do not buy a dog from an internet distributor or a pet store. Here are three good places to find dogs.
1. Animal Shelters
2. Rescue Organizations
3. Responsible breeders - Visit them and check out their dogs. A good breeder will have high quality dogs and expect you to take good care of your new puppy.

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